
The mission of is to offer resources and information that empowers families to take control of life's unexpected events.

We want to be here for you during an emergency event or to help you put a plan together before you need it. was founded by Brian Byars who has been supporting individuals and families with holistic protection planning. He saw a recurring need with his clients and families who had experienced a parent or family member who needed some type of long-term care. The family member often did not plan for the expense, and families often were forced to help pay or take care of them, which often resulted in large financial burdens, stress, burnout, strained relationships and other issues.

We have built this resource center to help families dealing with these types of situations. These resources and information are meant to ease the stress of families during a crisis and to encourage the other family members to get their own planning done so that the next generation doesn’t have to deal with the same stress and issues.

Brian has the Certified Elder Planning Specialist (CEPS) designation and speaks nationally and internationally training other insurance agents and financial advisors on these issues. He is considered to be at the top of his field in the insurance and financial industry.

Brian is also an Accredited Claims Agent for the VA and a Medicaid Specialist, and currently is working with fifth-generation clients

Brian has been incredibly helpful with sharing his knowledge to ensure that we my parents best interest at heart so they can be looked after and they can still leave everything they worked for to their grandkids. We would have been lost without you!

Sarah Laws